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Category:Daily Prices

699 bytes added, 15:33, 30 May 2024
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This page is about the menu PRICES > DAILY PRICE RULES and PRICES (in the old control panel {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > DAILY PRICES)
=Summary =<div class="summarybox">You can have up to 16 Daily Prices with different rules.  Go to PRICES > DAILY PRICE RULES to set the rules for your prices.  The actual prices are then entered in PRICES > DAILY PRICES or in the CALENDAR.  If required you can set additional restrictions using the "Override" function in the CALENDAR.  Daily Prices for past dates are automatically deleted. If you need Daily Prices as a reference download them in time. <span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Click on "Price Check" at to the top to see which prices and rules apply for specific dates/selections and why a certain price or rule was applied or not applied.</div> =Limitations ==
You can set up to 16 Daily Prices per room prices. First you set up Daily Price Rules. The actual prices are then entered in PRICES > DAILY PRICES or in the CALENDAR where you can quickly adjust them, if required on a daily basis.
Daily Prices for past dates are automatically deleted. If you need Daily Prices as a reference you have to download them in time,.
== Rules for Daily Prices ==
== Add additional Daily Prices Rules==
Go to PRICES->DAILY PRICE RULES and click "Add New Daily Price Rule" button. The prices themselves are then entered in DAILY PRICES or in the CALENDAR.
Unlink any linked daily prices before deleting.
== Combination of Fixed Prices and Daily Prices ==
You can use
*Only Daily Prices
See [[Setting_Prices_for_Booking_Channels|this help page]] for specific information on how to set prices for OTA channels.
==Check Prices==
The 'Price Check Tool' shows you which prices and rules apply for specific dates/selections and why a certain price or rule was applied or not applied.
==Voucher Codes and Upsell Items==
Voucher codes and upsell items can be enabled or disabled from applying when this price is booked.

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