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This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > DEPENDENCIES and explains how you can make rooms dependent on each other to sell rooms in different layouts or constellations with shared inventory
<div class="summarybox">
Setting room dependencies allows you to sell one physical room under multiple layouts. Examples are:
*Selling room as two different room types i.e. double and twin.
*Offering a holiday rental as a whole house or rent individual rooms.
*Combining two rooms for example to a suite or rent them individually.
*Having a room type on OTAs like or Expedia, and individual listings on other channels.
*Selling a room as both a dorm or a private room.
*Selling a room only if another room is not available.
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> If you are linking rooms across accounts the account sending a booking to a property in another account needs to have write access to the property in which the booking should be placed.
=When to use dependencies=
Rooms can be linked to be dependent on each other for the various
<nowiki>3. Assign a copy of bookings in this room to another room.</nowiki>
<nowiki>4. Rates Prices from a room can be linked with or without a price offset to other rooms.</nowiki>
<nowiki>5. A room can use the prices from another room instead of it's own.</nowiki>
Setting room dependencies allows you to sell one physical room under multiple layouts. Examples are:
*Selling room as two different room types i.e. double and twin.
*Offering a holiday rental as a whole house or rent individual rooms.
*Combining two rooms for example to a suite or rent them individually.
*Having a room type on OTAs like or Expedia, and individual listings on other channels.
*Selling a room as both a dorm or a private room.
*Selling a room only if another room is not available.
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> If you are linking rooms across accounts the account sending a booking to a property in another account needs to have write access to the property in which the booking should be placed.
= Bookings =

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