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332 bytes added, 11:25, 19 August 2024
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This page is about the menu {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > TRIVAGO and explains how the connection with Trivago Rate Connect works and how to set it up.
trivago Trivago Rate Connect allows you to promote your website prices on trivago Trivago and run cost-per-click campaigns.
*This tutorial explains how to [[Setting_Prices_for_Booking_Channels|set prices for channels]].
=== Capabilities ===
* can send price and availability to trivagoTrivago
* can send descriptive information about your property
*Guests are sent to your booking page to make a direct booking
*You can send cancellations and modifications to Trivago
 <span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span>The data communication is initiated by trivagoTrivago. trivago Trivago pulls the data from Beds24 (we can not push data to trivagoTrivago). That means that trivago Trivago sends us a request for prices and availability and we then send your data.
== Limitations ==
*trivago Trivago does not automatically activate all markets. If you have a market which is not activated please send us a support ticket.
*You need to use the responsive version of the booking page if you activate markets which require a different currency than the currency your booking page uses.
*You can only activate markets for which your booking page can display information in the appropriate language. This means that the markets language needs to be activated for the booking page and all descriptive information is provided in this language.
*Beds24 does not support "Express Checkout".
== Set up on trivago Trivago ==*Log into your trivago Trivago account and go to RATE CONNECT. trivago Trivago will automatically detect Beds24 as your booking engine if your property information in Beds24 is exactly the same as in trivagoTrivago. If Beds24 is not detected as an IBE, please contact trivago Trivago support. *Click on "Start Now" to start a campaign. You can find detailed information on how to set up a campaign in the trivago Trivago help.
== Set up on ==
*Make sure you have entered your address in the "Location" section in SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> DESCRIPTION. The address and the property name there needs to be exactly the same as the details you use on trivagoTrivago:
**Check the information you have entered there as 'Property Name"
**Check you have entered your address details under 'Location'. Make sure they are exactly the same as the address details you have on trivagoTrivago.*trivago Trivago requires the use of a tracking pixel to show you your performance data. The tracking pixel is automatically included on the Beds24 confirmation page. If you use your own confirmation page meaning you have specified a "Booking Return URL" in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > BEHAVIOUR you will need to implement the tracking pixel on your confirmation page. What you need to do is explained [ here] .
By default the booking page is opened when a guest click to book on Trivago. If you want the booking to take place on your embedded booking page on your web site you can set a "Booking Redirect" to this page in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > BEHAVIOUR.
Fixed Prices and Daily Prices for offer 1 and offer 2 with the booking page ( selected are sent to trivagoTrivago. If you have both prices for offer 1 and 2 the lowest of these are sent.
In your Fixed Prices or Daily Drices, make sure you have ticked "" under the tab "Channels" (Fixed Prices) and under "Enabled" (daily prices). " - agents" will NOT work.
'''Tax '''
If you want to send obligatory additional taxes to trivago Trivago make sure they are set up as "obligatory tax" in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > UPSELL ITEMS.
'''Extra fees'''
If you require a deposit at the time of the booking this is notified to trivagoTrivago.
'''Cancellation rules'''
trivago Trivago uses the cancellation rules set in the Beds24 system. The default is to never allow cancellations.
*To allow cancellations go to SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->BOOKING RULES and change the setting for "Booking Cancellations by Guest"
*We send offer 1 to trivagoTrivago. To allow cancellations for offer 1 go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ROOMS > OFFERS and change the setting for "Booking Cancellations by Guest"
*The currency code sent to trivago Trivago is defined in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION "Currency Code" and must be set to match your prices entered in Beds24.
*Set "Synchronise" to "Booking (price inc. breakfast) if your prices include breakfast
*Set "Synchronise" to "Booking (price exc. breakfast) if your prices are without breakfast
== Send cancellations or modifications ==
Trivago bookings have an "Update to Trivago" button under "Details" which you can use to report cancellations or modifications. If the price of the booking changes update the "Price" field in "Charges and Payments" before sending.
== Common Errors ==
'''Beds24 is not automatically detected as IBE'''
Go to SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> DESCRIPTION and check the information you have entered there as 'Property Name" and also check you have entered your address details under 'Location'. Make sure they are exactly the same as the address details you have on trivagoTrivago. If they are please contact trivago Trivago support and give them your Beds4 property ID.
'''No price shown for activated market''' {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > INTERNATIONALIZATION.

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