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496 bytes added, 09:43, 10 September 2024
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<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class= "headline-collapse" >Step 5: Price Multiplier </div><div class=="mw-collapsible-content">
If you want to add a multiplier to your prices, for example because of a different currency to your Beds24 currency, add a * followed by the multiplier number to your hotel id.
For example *[CONVERT:IDR-EUR] will convert Indonesian Rupees to Euros.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class=="headline-collapse" >Step 6: Multiple Rates at Despegar</div><div class=="mw-collapsible-content">
Despegar can support more than one price per room for example to send prices for different minimum stays, meal options or refundable and non-refundable prices.
Despegar can set up multiple rate plan ids for each room, each with pre-defined booking conditions. Beds24 can map a different Beds24 rate or offer to each Despegar rate. [[Setting_Prices_for_Booking_Channels#Mapping_channel_rate_codes|Please use these instructions]].
If you do not have the appropriate rate ids you need to request Despegar to add them.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class== "headline-collapse" >Step 7: Maximum number accepted bookings </div><div class=="mw-collapsible-content">
By default all all available rooms are sent to activated channels. In SETTINGS->CHANNEL MANAGER->CHANNEL INVENTORY limit the number of accepted bookings for this channel.
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"><div class= "headline-collapse" >Step 8: Activate ==
Before you activate the connection you can view the live availability and prices that will be sent to Despegar using the "View actual data" button.
Existing bookings are not automatically imported when the connection is established and should be entered into Beds24 manually.
== Updates and Changes==


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