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[[Category:How to]]
Beds24 offers different ways [[Category:Prices]][[Category:Booking_Page]][[Category:Booking_Engine]]<div class="heading">Extras</div> ''This page explains how to upsell.offer extras''
== Offer extra services with the accommodation booking ==
'''2. You may offer extra services === Add ons ===Examples are half board, bicycle hire, a sightseeing trip, parking etc which are booked together with the booking'''accommodation.
Examples are bicycle hire, a sightseeing trip, meal, parking etc which are booked togather with Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE -> UPSELL ITEMS. Select the accommodationproperty you want to set. If you have multiple properties each property can have its own rules so set up individually.
Go to SETTINGS -> PROPERTIES -> UPSELL ITEMS. Select whether the property you want item is optional or obligatory. Obligatory items will be automatically added to setthe booking and cannot be removed by the guest. If you have multiple properties, each property An example would be an end of stay cleaning charge or a tax. Optional items can have its own rules so set up individuallybe selected by the guest with their booking.
Select whether In the item prices optional Upsell items can be enabled/disabled for individual prices. When a booking is made only those optional or obligatory. Obligatory Upsell items enabled for any price involved in the booking will be automatically added offered to the booking and cannot be removed by the guest. An example would be an end of stay cleaning charge. Optional items can be selected by the guest with their booking. Examples might be a cooked breakfast or bike hire.
If a combination of Daily Prices and Fixed Prices is used then all activated Upsell items will be offered.
'''2Compulsory Upsell items are always enabled and cannot be disabled by a price. You want to offer extras separate to the booking and manage and/or display availability through Beds24'''
Examples are activities like daytrips or cars === Packages ===If you package extras with a limited availability per day like daytrips, classes, cars which accommodation you can be booked separately from show them as additional offers. An example is showing different meals options to the guest can choose for example between accommodation only and accommodationwith half board. [[Offers|For more information on how to activate additional offers click here]].
== Offer extras which are not related directly to the accommodation booking ==Examples are activities like tours, events, courses or car rental. Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> ) PROPERTIES and add click on ADD NEW PROPERTY. Click on EDIT and you will get to PROPERTIES -> DESCRIPTION. Enter the name (e.g. Daytrip, Car...) and the currency you accept. Set the "Type of Booking" to "Activity". Add as many  Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES-> ROOMS click on EDIT, ->SETUP *enter the name (e.g. Day Trip, Car...) *set the "Quantity" to the number places or items you have*set ''Unit Allocation'' to "One per Guest". *set ''Collect Number of Guests'' to ''No''*set ''Maximum Guest'' to the same number as ''Quantity of this type''*if you are setting up an event, class, tour etc. which is not booked by the day set ''Maximum Stay'' to ''Single Day Activity'' so the departure date is not collected and the wording of the booking form is changed to represent booking an event or day activity rather than an accommodation*Enter in "Accommodation Type" what the guest books e.g. "Ticket", "Car"...  Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> CONFIRMATION MESSAGES and customise your messages. We suggest at least delete everything from the default that refers to accommodation. For example:  Go to PRICES -*add a price and set a "Single Price" and an "Extra Person" price.  == Offer extras which are not related directly to the accommodation booking - bike hire/multi day ==Examples are activities like bike hire/car rental.  If you want to change the display in the calendar and Checkout date in the booking then you will need to create the Property in a sub account as these settings will affect all properties in the account. For the display in the control panel :- Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES > CONTROL PANEL CALENDAR > CALENDAR STYLE > CALENDAR = Booked Units Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES > BOOKINGS > SHOW BOOKING END DATE = Last Night  Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES and click on ADD NEW PROPERTY. Click on EDIT and you will get to PROPERTIES -> DESCRIPTION. Enter the name (e.g. Bike Hire/Car Hire) and the currency you accept. Set the "Type of Booking" to "Activity".   Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES-> ROOMS -> SETUP *enter the name (e.g. Bike Hire/Car Hire...) *set the "Quantity" to the number spotsbikes/itmes cars you have*set ''Unit Allocation'' to "One per Guest". *set ''Collect Number of Guests'' to ''No''*set ''Maximum Guest'' to the same number as ''Quantity of this type''*set ''Maximum Stay'' to the max length the hire can be*Enter in "Accommodation Type" what the guest books e.g. "Bike", "Car"...  Go to PRICES -> DAILY PRICE RULES, add a Daily Price - Price For = Per Person.  Go to CALENDAR and set the per price person for each date it applies.   Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> CONFIRMATION MESSAGES and customise your messages. We suggest at least deleting everything from the default that refers to accommodation. Use [LASTNIGHT] instead of [CHECKOUT] this will reflect the dates booked, for example:-  *Reference Number: [REFERENCENUMBER]*Room: [ROOMNAMES]*Name: [GUESTFULLNAME]*Email: [GUESTEMAIL]*Pickup date: [FIRSTNIGHT] - Return date [LASTNIGHT]*Number of day(s): [NUMNIGHT] *[INVOICETABLE] For the display in the booking and invoice table :-Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) GUEST MANAGEMENT -> INVOICING -> INVOICE ITEM ROOM -> DESCRIPTION - One Per Booking, for example :- [ROOMNAME1] collection on [FIRSTNIGHT] for [NUMNIGHT] Day(s)  Update your booking page so only the Pickup date and number of days are shown. Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPER > CUSTOM CSS and enter the code below. .b24-selector-checkout{display:none;}  Change the text in the booking selector on the booking page :-Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > PROPERTY BOOKING PAGE > DEVELOPER > CUSTOM TEXT, for example :- Check in|Pick-upNights|Number of days


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