== Setup Problems==
1) The room is being unexpectedly closed at booking.com
The channel manager will close the room on all dates which do not have a valid price available for sending to booking.com. Make sure you have prices for the complete range of dates you are sending (1 year or 2 years)
2) "Room code is not unique" warning when saving in Beds24.
Each Booking.com room id is unique and can be mapped to only one room in Beds24. If you enter the same Booking.com room id more than once the room updates will overwrite each other causing inaccurate information being sent to Booking.com
3) Missing Credit Card Details
If Booking.com sends the credit card number we make it available in the "Payments and Charges" tab of the booking. The encrypted CCV code is in the booking notification email sent to the host.
*If the CCV number is showing as Not Available in the email, Booking.com did not send it. Please ask Booking.com to always send it to Beds24
*If credit card details are always missing please ask Booking.com to send credit card details to Beds24
*If Booking.com normally sends credit card details but did not do so for a specific booking please ask Booking.com to only accept bookings with a credit card number and if required ccv
When Booking.com sends the credit card number it will be available in the "Payments and Charges" tab of the booking unless it has been stored in a third party system such as Stripe. The encoded CVC number is available from the booking notification email sent to the host as the line labelled Security Code. Enter the Security Code value from the email into the booking to view the CVC. *If there is no Security Code item in the host notification email, the CVC was not collected or sent for this booking. Please ask Booking.com to collect and send it to Beds24 if you require it.*If credit card details are always missing and you require them, please ask Booking.com to collect and send credit card details to Beds24*If Booking.com normally sends credit card details but did not do so for a specific booking and you always want a card as security, please ask Booking.com to exclusively accept bookings with a credit card number. 4) Daily prices and prices for the Room, Double and Single occupancy can be mapped to Booking.com. These can be mapped to Booking.com rate id's and will use the booking conditions of that rate id. Extra person and extra child prices within a Beds24 Rate and discounts set in a Rates Discount section are not able to export to Booking.com or other channels.
==Common Errors==