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Agency & Multiple Property Setup

1 byte added, 12:31, 3 September 2021
=== Add and set up properties===
Add new properties with the ADD NEW PROPERTY button in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES or make a copy of an existing similar property and edit it to suit.
If you make a copy all of the rooms and rates will also be copied.
To set up the individual properties follow the instructions in the [[Do_the_initial_Setup|Setup Guide]]. If your properties are similar it is best to set up one property entirely and then copy it and make the required changes to the copy.
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> Where you see this <span class="" style="color: #c7c7c7;" >{{#fas:copy}}</span> icon you can click and then copy the value of this setting to other rooms or properties.
=== If required create sub accounts for your properties===


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