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738 bytes added, 9 January
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== Limitations ==
*Only bookings made after the connection is established will be imported, existing bookings must be manually entered into Beds24 to block the dates.
*Tomas accepts prices for a maximum of 10 guests. Surcharges for additional prices can be created directly in Tomas if required.
*When a guest modifies a booking, the booking will be cancelled and a new booking will be created.
== Before you connect ==
*We can only send availability if you have set up prices which are activated for this channel. This tutorial gives general information how to [[Setting_Prices_for_Booking_Channels|set prices for channels]].
*If you use Daily Prices a price for each date and occupancy will be sent. Multiple occupancy prices can send on each rate plan. Extra person price in the daily price will send.*If you use Fixed Prices 1 person, 2 person and room price will send. Room price will send for specified occupancy. Prices for "Extra Person", "Extra child" and discounts set in the "Discounts" tab of the rates Fixed Prices can not be sent. *If you use daily prices with "Extra Person" prices your daily price needs to be set for the max occupancy and the "Extra Person" price needs to be added with a negative value.
== Application==
Send us a support ticket Request to use the Beds24 interface with your hotel name address, Tomas hotel ID and the name of your touristic organization.
 Alternatively send us a support ticket with your hotel name address, Tomas hotel ID and the name of your touristic organization. We will then request the connection from Tomas and inform you when the connection is ready. You can then set the connection up.
== Set Up==
Map Rates:
Rates Fixed Prices can send a price for Single (1 guest), Double (2 guests) and a room price (for the number of guests you have defined in the rate fixed price. If you have more than 3 occupancy levels you can set up additional rates fixed prices or daily prices in Beds24 for each occupancy level using and map map them in the channel settings of the rate fixed prices or the daily price.
*Click on the "Get Code" link next to the rate plan id setting.
If you need send more than one price option talk to Tomas and ask them if the can set up additional rate Ids for you.
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Click on the "View Actual Data" Button to check which prices and availability will send. Prices that had already been set in HRS Tomas be overridden but cannot be removed. If no prices have are sent from Beds24, no availability is sent, but the which originally was in HRS Tomas is displayed.
== Activate ==
== Price Multiplier ==
If you want to mark your prices up or down or need currency conversion you can add a multiplier to your prices, for example because of a different currency to your Beds24 currency, add a '''* ''' followed by the multiplier number to your hotel Id. For example a property code setting 123456*12.34 will multiply all prices by 12.34 sent for hotel id 123456. You can also use currency conversion template variable. All currencies supported by in the booking page currency selector can be used."Multiplier" field
Examples:*'''*1.23''' will multiply all prices by 1.23 (i.e. raised by 23%).*Lower prices can be sent with a multiplier less than 1: '''*0.85''' will send 85% of the normal price (i.e. lowered by 15%).*To convert the price of bookings imported from the channel add a '''*''' AFTER the multiplier. '''*1.23*''' will divide the price of the booking by 1.23.*For example currency conversion you can also use currency conversion template variables. All currencies supported by the booking page currency selector can be used.**'''*[CONVERT:IDR-EUR] ''' will convert Indonesian Rupees to Euros.
== Updates ==


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