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This page is about the menu SETTINGS -> BOOKING WIDGETS -> WEB DESIGNERS

Code snippets for the booking page and booking widgets are available in SETTINGS->BOOKING WIDGETS.

Customise Booking Widgets

You can use HTML and CSS to create custom solutions.

Make Your Own Booking Widget

Customise Booking Page

The booking page can be embedded in a page using an iframe or opened with a link or form. It can be fully customised in SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGE. This page gives an overview. Additional options for developers are:

  • Custom CSS can be added in SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGE ADVANCED "Custom CSS"
  • Javascript can be entered in SETTINGS->BOOKING PAGE ADVANCED "Advanced HTML Settings"
  • The API can be used to develop custom applications and solutions.
  • The behavior of the booking page can be controlled with the following parameters passed in the URL or form. URL Parameters are always added in the format name=value. To separate them, the first parameter must have a ? before it and all following parameters must have an & before them. For example if you want to change the default for the numbers of night selector to 7 nights you change the link to your booking page from




For example if you want to hide the header from




Parameter Value Description
https://www.beds24.com/booking.php Path to booking page At the very minimum there must also be one of propid, roomid or ownerid parameter
roomid id number of room. The page will open showing this room.
propid id number of property. The page will open showing this property.

ownerid id number of owner. The page will open showing all properties and rooms for this owner
checkin check-in full date The page will open at this check-in date
desktop=yes desktop view Display the booking page in desktop view

fdate_date check-in date of month The page will open at this check-in date, must be used with either fdate_monthyear or fdate_month and fdate_year. Must be in format DD
fdate_monthyear check-in month and year The page will open at this check-in date, must be used with fdate_date and be in the format MM-YYYY
fdate_month check-in month The page will open at this check-in date, must be used with fdate_date and fdate_year and be in the format MM
fdate_year check-in year The page will open at this check-in date, must be used with fdate_date and fdate_month and be in the format YYYY
mobile=yes mobile view Display the booking page in mobile view
numnight number of nights Initial value for the number of nights selector
numadult number of adults Initial value for the number of adults selector
numchild number of children Initial value for the number of children selector
width page width in px Useful for embedding the booking page in an iframe of fixed size
numdisplayed number of nights with prices displayed Only applies to price table pages, use this to reduce the number of nights for narrow designs
referer text This text will be recorded with any bookings originating from this widget allowing tracking of booking sources
advancedays number of days This will set the initial date to this many days in advance of today. Only applies the first time the page is opened. If advancedays is not used the initial date will be the first date with availability.

hideheader yes, no Do not show the property information at the top of the page
hidefooter yes, no Do not show the property information at the bottom of the page
multiroom 0, 1 Opens the page with multi-room booking selected or unselected. (2013 new style booking page only)
lang en (English), da (Danish), de (German), el (Greek), es (Spanish), fi (Finnish), fr (French), it (Italian), ja (Japanese), lt (Lithuanian), nl (Dutch), no (Norwegian), pl (Polish), pt (Portugese), ru (Russian), sk (Slovak), sl (Slovenian), sv (Swedish), tr (Turkish), zh (Chinese) Sets the default language to open the booking page. (2013 new style booking page only)
hideprop property id Do not show this property on the booking page, multiple id's can be specified with a comma separating them.
hideroom room id Do not show this room on the booking page, multiple id's can be specified with a comma separating them.
hideoffer 1,2,3,4 Do not show this price row on the booking page, multiple id's can be specified with a comma separating them.
cssfile url encoded url External css file for inclusion in booking page, the file must be available via a secure url (https) and the url must be url encoded.


If you use the Beds24 Wordpress plugin booking widgets and booking page can be added via a short code. Options and help regarding customisation can be found directly in the plugin settings.

Old booking page only:

|- | hidename || yes, no || Do not show the property name heading

|- | hidedesc || yes, no || Do not show the description

External CSS file

It is possible to make the booking page use a CSS file that you supply, you must host the CSS file on a secure web server (using https:).

To do this you need to add the &cssfile parameter to the URL for the booking page, or for example the iframe SRC.

You could do this to use different styling per page or site.

For example if your css file is: https://yoursite/path/your.css

Goto this site and encode it: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/

Add the resulting parameter to the booking page URL like this: &cssfile=https%3A%2F%2Fyoursite%2Fpath%2Fyour.css

Your CSS file will be included.

The external stylesheet needs to be hosted on a secure site (https) to be accepted by the secure Beds24 booking page.

Keywords: URL parameter, parameter, language, number of guests, web design, web designer, developer


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