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or use a single email address for all properties in your account
or use a single email address for all properties in your account
Example: If you are connecting room id 6027, which is in property id 3103, which is owned by account id 266.
Example: If you are connecting room id 6027, which is in property id 3103, which is owned by account id 266.

Revision as of 21:50, 25 August 2016

Synchronising Beds24.com with your holidaylettings calendar


Note: Due to the integration process at TripAdvisor these instructions may go out of date quickly. We are trying to keep up with these changes but if you see a problem please let us know.

1 Capabilities

Beds24.com can export inventory. Beds24.com can parse booking emails (BETA)

For details please click here

2 Limitations

  • Prices cannot be exported and must be set in the holidaylettings system.

3 Step 1 holidaylettings

Contact holidaylettings, tell them you want to connect to Beds24 and ask for a "Secret Key".

4 Step 2 Beds24.com


  • Enter the secret key in the "Secret Key" field.
  • Enter your holidayletting account ID in the "Account ID" field.
  • Enter your holidaylettings house ID in the "House ID" field(s)

5 Bookings

This is a Beta function, please report any problems with the booking import

To import new bookings from HolidayLettings into your Beds24 account the booking Emails from HolidayLettings must be sent to Beds24. Copy the Email address we provide (Booking emails to:). Log into your HolidayLettings account and set the Email address to receive bookings to this Email address. Bookings sent to this email will only be imported into this property.

Another way to do this is to setup an auto forward rule in your email system to forward matching emails.

If you cannot separate the booking emails into different email address's per property listing, you can create a custom email destination for all your listings.

If you have multiple listings at Holiday Lettings which are all rooms in one property at Beds24, you can send the emails for each listing to one email address. Replace PROPID in the following email address with the propid number of your Beds24 property.


or use a single email address for all properties in your account


Example: If you are connecting room id 6027, which is in property id 3103, which is owned by account id 266.

The preferred address to send booking Emails for the room is [email protected]

  • To create an Email address for the property change the letter c to b and the number afterwards to your property id: [email protected]. The system will then try to find the correct room in this property id to place the booking in.
  • To create an Email address for an account change the letter c to a and the number afterwards to your owner id: [email protected]. The system will then try to find the right room to place the booking in from all enabled rooms in the account.

If possible, use the room email as it is the most reliable, otherwise prefer the property email and use the account email only as a last resort.

Note: importing booking only works for English language Emails. If the Emails you receive from HolidayLettings are in another language please contact us.

6 Step 3 Testing

Click the update button and wait a few minutes. Check your Holiday lettings calendar is up to date.

It will now be kept synchronised with your Beds24 calendar.

7 Disconnect

  • Unticking "Inventory" will stop the synchronisation for a room.