API V2.0

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API Version 2.0
This page explains the capabilities of the API Version 2.0 and explains how to use it. 


1 Capabilities

2 API Access

To use the API you need to allow API ACCESS. Go to SETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT ACCESS and allow API access.

  • The JSON functions can be created with a API and prop key which you set yourself in the Beds24 control panel {#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS)ACCOUNT and (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > ACCESS

3 Tokens

4 Scopes

Each category of API endpoint (except /authentication) requires the corrosponding scope to access.

Some categories have additional scopes that allow access to personal or financial information. For example, the "bookings" scope would grant access to a booking's basic information such as the check-in and checkout dates. To access personal information such as the name of a guest, the "bookings-personal" scope would be required. Similarly, to access the invoice of a bookings, the "bookings-financial" scope would be required.

Each scope must also have an acompanying method. For example "get:bookings" would grant read access to bookings, but in order to create a new booking "post:bookings" would be required.

The "all" method may be used as a shortcut to grant access to all methods. For example "all:bookings" would allow for the reading, updating, creating and deleting of bookings.

5 POST method

5.1 Creating/modifying multiple items

6 Examples

6.1 Authentication

6.1.1 Refreshing a token


curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://api.example.com/v2/authentication/token' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'refreshToken: Ea6DftE50aYYRe/qAd9SkQaSmTF6kaLQxH6gtRxO1h10yVC64d4qIj4BGiQOU+y5'


  "token": "wEoJHQIwRrLwHqTqAsn0/XjzaZkVk4E8sSDwbRN2HKDlulkt6n7aHQCcvdqfX+y5",
  "expiresIn": 3600