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Agency & Multiple Property Setup

5,296 bytes added, 10 May
[[Category:How to]]
[[Category:AgencySub_Account]][[Category:Multiple_Properties]][[Category:Properties]][[Category:How to]][[Category:Getting_Started]]<div class="heading">Multiple Properties</div> This page explains how to set up an account with multiple properties.__TOC__== General ==A user account can contain one or multiple properties. Each property has its own settings for:*Booking page*Booking rules*Booking questions*Upsell items*Deposit collection rules and payment gateways*Confirmation messages*Auto Actions and Auto Action Emails*Yield Optimizer Rules
A Beds24 account can contain one or multiple properties. Other Beds24 accounts can be setup to access these properties with either read only or full write accessIf the channel manager is used each property will have its own mapping.
== 1Other user accounts can be set up to access these properties with either read-only or full-write access. Setup Multiple Properties in one Account ==
Add new properties with the ADD NEW PROPERTY button or make a copy of an existing similar property and edit it to suit.If In which order you make a copy all of the rooms and rates will also be copied.To set up an agency account depends on how the individual properties follow the instructions in the [[Do_the_initial_Setup|Setup Guide]]are set up and managed.
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> When you click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) and scroll down the page you will see buttons which allow you to download property information into a .csv file.
== 2. Multiple Property Booking Page Managing multiple properties centrally from one master account ==A Booking page containing all === Add and set up properties is created automatically.===
1. Go to Add new properties with the ADD NEW PROPERTY button in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS -> AGENCY -> SEARCH CRITERIA ) PROPERTIES or make a copy of an existing similar property and define edit it to suit.If you make a copy all of the search terms for your agencyrooms and prices will also be copied. You have To set up the individual properties follow the instructions in the options [[Do_the_initial_Setup|Setup Guide]]. If your properties are similar it is best to set up a total of four sets which could be location, type of accommodation, property entirely and then copy it and make the required changes to the copy.
2<embedvideo service="youtube">https://youtu. In SETTINGS -> AGENCY -be/CsjMXF2vzEs</embedvideo> PAGE DESIGN you can customise the look of your Agency booking page
3. Go to SETTINGS -> AGENCY -> PROPERTIES to define how and under which search criteria each property will be displayed on the agency page.
When a property is selected from Alternatively, data can be uploaded via the agency booking page it opens '''API''' ( For more information about the normal property booking pageAPI have a look [[:Category:API| here]].
== 3Emails to guests will be as set in the Email settings of the master account. Link properties with existing accounts [[Outgoing_Email|Click here for more information]]. If a property needs to an agency use its own Email account ==If for sending you have will need to create a Beds24 sub account for this property so you can allow another Beds24 account to access one or more of your propertiesset up individual outgoing Email.
*Identify the Association Code of the account that will access your property. This can be found in the SETTINGS <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span>AGENCY menu<span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> Where you see this <span class="" style="color: #c7c7c7;" >{{#fas:copy}}</span> icon you can click and then copy the value of this setting to other rooms or properties.
*In === If required create sub accounts for your account, go to the SETTINGS ->AGENCY properties=== You can create sub accounts if properties need their own log-> ''Make property available in another account. Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and enter this code then on 'Account Management (in the ''Associations Code'' settingold control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right).
*Select whether you want the other Each sub account to have ''read only'' has a unique username and password. Sub accounts can be given restricted or full ''write'' access to your propertyother accounts or individual properties. [[:Category:Sub_Account|Click here for more information on sub accounts]].
*The other == Owner Management and user Management ==You can give owners or staff their own access to individual properties or a group of properties by setting up sub accounts. === Create additional user accounts=== Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right). Each sub account will now see your property in their SETTINGS -> AGENCY menu has a unique username and password. Sub accounts can add it be given restricted or full access to their accountother accounts or individual properties. [[:Category:Sub_Account|Click here for more information on sub accounts]].
Each sub account can use a different Email address to send messages to guests. [[Outgoing_Email|Click here for more information]].
== 4. = Create sub accounts and set up properties===Each account can have sub accounts. Each Log into each sub account has a unique username and password. Sub accounts can be given restricted or full access to other accounts or individual set up properties. A sub account can also contain it's own properties. Only one person at a time can log and rooms following these instructions in to any account or sub accountthe [[Do_the_initial_Setup|Setup Guide]].
Sub === Owner Management ===Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) and create a sub account with the role "Owner". If required you can further customise the access. [[:Category:Sub_Account|Click here for more information on sub accounts ]]. === Commission===If you want need to calculate commissions you can set up a [[Custom-Reports#Commission_report_for_owners|Custom Report]] to do this automatically. You can use the "Routines" function to automatically send the report for example to owners. === Expenses===If you want to record expenses you can do this by setting up a property "Expenses" with one room in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES -> ROOMS. Add each expense as a booking with a negative value. You can be then create custom reports which list all expenses.  If you need more functionality you can set up an integration with [[bedplus]] or another service which offer such functions. == Set up and install multiple property booking page ==A Booking page containing all properties is created via automatically. It will show your properties with a link to the property booking page where guests can make their booking.  To customise your multiple property booking page go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > MULTI BOOKING PAGE > PAGE DESIGN.  If you want to generate the code for an embedded Iframe for multiple properties go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > BOOKING ENGINE > BOOKING WIDGETS > IFRAME GENERATOR and set "Property" = "All" If you want to allow guests to search by certain criteria:*First create the search criteria in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > MULTI BOOKING PAGE > SEARCH CRITERIA.*Then go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > MULTI BOOKING PAGE > PROPERTY SETTINGS and assign the applicable criteria to each property. == Generate booking widgets or an embedded booking page==Once you have set and assigned your search criteria you can *go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > BOOKING WIDGETS to generate a widget. Set "Property" = "All" and design your widget, ensuring that you change "Search Filter" to show the search criteria either "collapesed" or "open" in your booking widget. Generate the SUBACCOUNT menu code for the widget and paste it into the source code (Set the Wordpress editor to "Text") where you want to display the widget.*go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > BOOKING WIDGETS > IFRAME GENERATOR to generate the code for your embedded Iframe. Set "Property" = "All". Generate the code and paste it into the source code where you want to display the booking page. If you use Wordpress please also use the Wordpress help page. == Groups / Display in the Control Panel ==You can create groups of properties by giving them the same keyword in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION "Group Keywords" A group option will appear in the property selector on the calendar page and open all properties in the group. == Copy settings from one property to another== <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> Where you see this'' {{#fas:copy}} icon you can click and then copy the value of this setting to other rooms or properties. There is also a "Clone" function in SUB ACCOUNTS a "Clone" function which allows to copy selected settings from one property to another. Click on SUB ACCOUNTS (top rightmenu) then on "Manage Account" then on "Clone Property Settings. == Manage Prices==You can set up one set of prices and apply it with or without an offset (price adjustment) to other properties.


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