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New Features and Updates

571 Bytes hinzugefügt, 18:47, 16. Feb. 2022
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'''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Webinar on Thursday: Getting started with Beds24'''
We will be hosting a “Getting started with Beds24” webinar this Thursday. In the webinar we will show how Beds24 works and you will also have the option to ask your questions.
Date & Time: July 1st, 18:30 (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris Rome, Stockholm, Vienna)
Register: [https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvd-2oqDkqHtbL8ca7HnvzVg2UlTjTb-1J Click to register for this webinar]
You can find a list with upcoming webinars [https://wiki.beds24.com/index.php/Webinars here].
16th February 2022
'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;“ >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span>Airbnb Preispläne'''
Klicken Sie auf [https://wiki.beds24.com/wikiDE/index.php?title=Airbnb_Preis_Pl%C3%A4ne hier], um weitere Informationen über die Verwendung von Airbnb-Preisplänen zu erhalten.
1416. Februar 2022
Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)
'''<span style="color:#019cde;" >{{#fas:external-link-square-alt}} </span>Stripe lokale Zahlungsmöglichkeiten - Beta-Tester gesucht'''
