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Yo.......................................nt to change the default for the numbers of night selector to 7 nights you change the link to your booking page from
== Webdesigner ==
Sie haben die Möglichkeit über individuelles CSS oder HTML das Erscheinungsbild der Buchungsseite anzupassen. Eine Übersicht über die Parameter der Buchungsseite finden Sie im englischsprachigen Support Wiki.
{| class="wikitable"
| '''Parameter''' || '''Value'''    ||'''Description'''
| https://www.beds24.com/booking.php  || Path to booking page        ||At the very minimum there must also be one of propid, roomid or ownerid parameter
| roomid || id number of room. || The page will open showing this room.
| propid || id number of property. || The page will open showing this property.
| ownerid || id number of owner.  || The page will open showing all properties and rooms for this owner
| type || numeric value for the type of booking page to open || The value is stored in a session variable and will be used for the rest of the session. Value 0 clears the session variable and opens the default page type
|numnight  || number of nights.  || Initial value for the number of nights selector
| numadult  || number of adults.  || Initial value for the number of adults selector
| numchild  || number of children.  || nitial value for the number of children selector
| width || page width in px.  || Useful for embedding the booking page in an iframe of fixed size
| numdisplayed  || number of nights with prices displayed.  || Only applies to price table pages, use this to reduce the number of nights for narrow designs
| referer  || text  ||This text will be recorded with any bookings originating from this widget allowing tracking of booking sources
| advancedays  || number of days  || This will set the initial date to this many days in advance of today. Only applies the first time the page is opened
| hidename  || yes, no  || Do not show the property name heading
| hidedesc  || yes, no  || Do not show the description
| hidefooter  ||yes, no  || Do not show the property information at the bottom of the page
| multiroom  ||0, 1  || Opens the page with multi-room booking selected or unselected. (2013 new style booking page only)
| lang  ||en de es fr it ja nl pl pt tr zh  || Sets the default language to open the booking page. (2013 new style booking page only)

Version vom 21. Oktober 2013, 17:34 Uhr


Sie haben die Möglichkeit über individuelles CSS oder HTML das Erscheinungsbild der Buchungsseite anzupassen. Eine Übersicht über die Parameter der Buchungsseite finden Sie im englischsprachigen Support Wiki.