[NUMROOM] - the quantity of rooms booked (first room type only) /Anzahl gebuchter Einheiten (nur erster Einheitstyp)
[NUMROOMS]''' - the quantity of rooms booked (sum of all rooms and room types) / Anzahl der gebuchten Einheien (alle Einheiten und Typen)
[NUMNIGHT] - number of nights / Anzahl Nächte
[GUESTFULLNAME] - lastname to the guest / Nachname des Gasts
[GUESTEMAIL]''' - guests Email / Email des Gasts
[GUESTPHONE]''' - guests phonenumber / Telefonnummer des Gasts
[GUESTADDRESS] - guests address / Adresse des Gasts
[GUESTPOSTCODE] - guests postcode / Postleitzahl
[GUESTCITY]''' - guests city / Stadt
[GUESTCOUNTRY] - guests country / Land des Gasts