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VRBO Mapping

587 bytes added, 08:42, 22 April 2021
no edit summary
==Common Errors==
Any errors reported '''The VRBO connection for this property is managed by account .... It cannot be mapped to this account.''' Only properties owned by the connected Beds24 account or sub account can send to the connected VRBO account. If you want to connect properties owned by different account/sub accounts you can override this. Click on the 'User' icon on the top right and then on 'Account Management (in the old control panel SUB ACCOUNT in the top right) Manage Account > Manage Property and go to "Channel Management". The setting "VRBO/Homeaway will be visible when checking Connect via Account" allows you to set that the property connects to VRBO via a different account than the linksone owning it.
'''internal error constructing XML '''
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) CHANNEL MANAGER > VRBO/Homeaway-> VIEW CONTENT to check if you content meets VRBO/Homeaways requirements. Any settings which do not meet VRBO/Homeaways requirements are highlighted on red. Click on the links in the "Settings" column to go to the settings where you can fix the problems.

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