<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Make sure you add captions to your pictures. Please see the pictures help page for instructions.
== Cancellations ==
If you set a booking to "Cancelled" we will send it as "Cancelled by guest" to VRBO/Homeaway. If the booking is cancelled by the owner you can set this as a "substatus" via the second selector next to the "Cancelled" status in the "Summary" tab of the booking.
If a different reason for the cancellation applies you can set this by adding one of the following info codes in to "Info" tab of the booking:
<div class="warning">{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} Never delete bookings from VRBO/Homeaway because VRBO/Homeaway expect to read the booking status even if they are cancelled.
==Special offers for guests ==
If you want to offer a guest a special price ask the guest to book at full price. After the booking has imported you can change the price and manually sent the guest a confirmation with the revised price.
Beds24 will automatically send the amened price to VRBO so VRBO can adjust your commission.
== Updates ==
Changes to availability and prices will be instantly sent to the channel. Other changes will be pulled by VRBO/Homeaway with their next poll.
== All feature codes ==