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API V2.0

632 bytes added, 08:41, 5 June 2023
==How long do invite codes/tokens last?==
Invite codes expire after 15 minutes.
Refresh tokens last forever so long as they are being used.
Unused refresh tokens expire after 30 days.
Tokens expire after 24 hours.
==What is the API credit limit?==
The API credit limit restricts how much you can use the API in a 5 minute window.
Each API request has a cost, this cost is calculated dynamically and depends on how complex the request is.
==Is the API limited per token or per account?==
The API credit limits are at the account level.
This means that tokens under the same account share the same credit limit.
==How do I make a new booking/property/room etc?==
Simply do not include an id in your POST request.
==Where can I see examples for how to use the API?==
Examples can be found here []

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