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API V2.0

867 bytes added, 24 May
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= Prices =
To get price setup rules, include the "includePriceRules" parameter in GET /properties like this
A room can have up to 16 prices.
In the control panel, these can be set under Prices -> Daily Price Rules.
In the API these can be accessed through GET and POST /inventory/calendar
"data": [
"calendar": [
"price1": 100,
"price2": 300,
"price3": 200,
<div style="display:none">
= Endpoints =
== Properties ==
<=== GET /divproperties === Get properties matching specified criteria. === POST /properties === Create or modify properties. === DELETE /properties === Delete properties by id. === DELETE /properties​/rooms === Delete rooms of properties by id. == Accounts ==  === GET /accounts Get accounts and sub-accounts. === POST /accounts === Create or modify accounts. == Webhooks == === POST Webhooks - bookings === The webhook payload sent to your URL from the booking webhook found here: Settings -> Properties -> Access ->Booking Webhook == Channels - settings === GET /channels​/settings === Get channel specific settings. === POST ​/channels​/settings === Modify channel settings. == Channels - Airbnb == === GET ​/channels​/airbnb​/users === Get all Airbnb user ids connected to an account. === GET /channels​/airbnb​/listings === Get all Airbnb listings for a specified Airbnb user id. === POST /channels​/airbnb === Perform actions at Airbnb. == Channels - == === POST ​/channels​/booking === Perform actions at === GET /channels​/booking​/reviews === Get reviews from == Channels - Stripe == === POST /channels​/stripe === Perform actions at Stripe. === GET /channels​/stripe​/paymentMethods === Get payment methods for a booking from Stripe. === GET ​/channels​/stripe​/charges === Get charges for a booking from Stripe. 
= Webhooks =


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