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API V2.0

800 bytes added, 12:42, 30 May 2024
== Channels - Stripe ==
You can collect the card directly with Stripe so you do not have any PCI DSS obligations.
The procedure would be like this:
1) Make the booking via API and get the new Booking ID.
2) Make a call to API V2 POST ​/channels​/stripe with the booking ID and any charges you want to collect. The line_items should be in the Stripe format for their checkout.
3) POST ​/channels​/stripe will return the session data required to instantly create a Stripe payment checkout you can show the booker and they can securely enter their card while on your site.
4) After the booker enters their card, it is automatically connected to the booking ID and can be charged by API or manually from the control panel.
To use the Stripe endpoints, the process is basically the same as creating a normal Strip Checkout session, except by doing it via our API function it connects the payment to the booking.


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