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Category:Daily Prices

5,820 bytes added, 22 March
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[[Category:Rooms]]<div class="heading">Daily Prices</div> This page is about the menu PRICES > DAILY PRICE RULES and PRICES (in the old control panel {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS-) >PROPERTIES->ROOMS->DAILY PRICESDaily Prices are per room prices which can also be sent to booking channels. You can set a maximum number of guests and a minimum stay and also activate them for the channel manager.The prices are entered in the CALENDAR.)
==Limitations ==You can have set up to four daily prices 16 Daily Prices per roomprices. If First you set up Daily Price Rules. The actual prices are using extra offers (SETTINGS-then entered in PRICES >PROPERTIES ->OFFERS-> OFFER 2-4) to offer specials DAILY PRICES or in the CALENDAR where you can also use quickly adjust them, if required on a daily prices for your offersbasis.
*General rules Daily prices for past dates are not stored. If you need daily prices are set in SETTINGS->PROPERTIES ->ROOMS->DAILY PRICESfor reference you can download them to a .csv file via our API.
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> Use Fixed Prices instead of Daily Prices:*to fill gaps when a minimum stay is required*To define if a daily prices you want to allow guest to enquire when no price can be overridden by another price or rate or found but the room is not go to SETTINGS-> BOOKING RULES ->DAILY PRICE STRATEGY.fully booked*for referrer discounts
*If you want to send Daily Prices to booking channel activate this in SETTINGS-> BOOKING RULES ->DAILY PRICE STRATEGY.
*Additional rules like higher minimum stays check-Daily Prices for past dates are automatically deleted. If you need Daily Prices as a reference you have to download them in/check-out allowed can be set in the CALENDAR.time,
== Rules for Daily Prices ==
<embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>
== Combination of Rates and Daily Prices ==If you use rates you do not need to set up Daily Prices for every dayThis [ If required php setup wizard] guides you can use a Daily Price to adjust through the prices for an individual date or date rangesetup.
The booking rules for your rates and daily prices will determine which daily price or rate will be used. You can define your price strategy in SETTINGS -> BOOKING RULES click on <embedvideo service="Daily Price Strategyyoutube" to open and select if your daily prices can > undercut by rates ("Allow Lower Prices") or cannot be undercut by rates ("Do Not Allow Lower Prices")./TkIZbqe5Cpc</embedvideo>
Go to PRICES > DAILY PRICE RULES.  Click on "Edit". The name you enter will be displayed in the CALENDAR. You can set the "Price For" Notethe "Minimum Stay". === "Extra Person" and "Extra Child" prices (optional) ===A zero value disables the extra person function. There are two options to set an extra person/extra child price by specifying either a positive or negative value:  a) A positive value will be applied to each additional guest above the "Price For" setting for the daily price. The Daily Price will be available up to the number of guests the room settings allow. i.e. Three people booking a Daily Price set for two people will be charged one extra person price. One person booking will pay the two person price.  b) A negative value will be deducted for each guest less than the "Price For" setting for the Daily Price. The Daily Price will not be available for more than the Daily Price "Price For" value. i.e. One person booking a Daily Price set for two people will receive one extra person discount. Three people cannot book this Daily Price.  If you need a Daily Price for Extra Person price, but do not want to charge for Children, then set the Extra Child price to 0.01. Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) -> PROPERTIES -> BOOKING RULES -> PRICING -> PRICE ROUNDING select -0.10 from the list. This will remove the extra children price from the calculation <span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 250%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span> <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span> Extra Person Price can be sent to the channels that accept Extra Person Prices. <span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> There are limitations for channel management which are different for each channel. Channels do not accept children prices. Please see the channel help page for information if/how extra person prices can send. === Offers ==="Offer 1" is your standard offer to the guest which is always displayed. Only set "Offer" to 2, 3, 4 if you have activated additional offers. === Linking===Daily prices can be linked so changing a price in one Daily Pricee will update all the Daily Prices linked to it. The linking can be within the same room or between rooms and between properties. When linked, the price cannot be entered directly, it will always be imported from the linked Daily Price. Daily prices can only be linked to non linked Daily Prices, i.e. you cannot create a link to a linked Daily Price. Linking only imports the prices, the Daily Price will still use it's own rules for number of people, minimum stay, channels etc. Linked Daily Prices set in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) -> PROPERTIES -> ROOMS -> DEPENDENCIES can not be sent to the Channels, you need to have an independent Daily Price if you need to send to an OTA.  A percentage or fixed offset amount can be specified for the imported price. Examples: *Offset amount = 0 will apply the original price.*Offset amount = 10 will increase the original price by 10.*Offset amount = -10 will lower the original price by 10.*Offset percent = 0 will apply the original price.*Offset percent = 10 will increase the original price by 10%.*Offset percent = -10 will lower the original price by 10%. <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo> === Activate for booking page and/or channels===You need to define where a Daily Price is used. If you do not tick at least one tick box the Daily Price is inactive and not available in the CALENDAR. If you have multiple rates at the Channel, ensure you 'map' the appropriate Channel Rate id/plan. <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo> === Color=== You can apply your custom color. The default color is #4aa41c  == Enter Prices ==The prices are entered in the in DAILY PRICES or in the CALENDAR.  <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo>  == Add additional Daily Prices Rules==Go to PRICES->DAILY PRICE RULES and click "Add New Daily Price Rule" button. The prices themselves are then entered in DAILY PRICES or in the CALENDAR. == Additional restrictions ==*In the CALENDAR you can limit the days on which check-in and/or check-out are allowed. You can also set minimum stays if these vary by season. *A "Same Day Booking Cut off" can be set in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) ->PROPERTIES-> BOOKING RULES. <embedvideo service="youtube"></embedvideo> == Delete Daily Prices ==Daily Prices which are not required can be deleted.  Unlink any linked daily prices before deleting. == Combination of Fixed Prices and Daily Prices ==You can use*Only Daily Prices*Only Fixed Prices*A combination of Daily Prices and Fixed Prices.  If you use a combination of Daily Prices and Fixed Prices a Daily Price can adjust the prices for an individual date or date range. The "Strategy" for your Daily Prices abd Fixed Prices will determine which will be used. By default the system will offer the lowest price which meets all the Daily Price and Fixed Prices rules. You can define a price strategy for Daily Orices in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) -> BOOKING RULES. Under "Daily Price Strategy" you can set if Daily Prices can be undercut by Fixed Prices ("Allow Lower Prices") or cannot be undercut by Fixed Prices ("Do Not Allow Lower Prices") or you do not allow any other prices than Daily Prices. If you have Daily Prices for different occupancies this setting needs to be set to "Allow lower prices".  <span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}} </span> Rules in Rates Fixed Prices have no effect on daily Daily Prices. ==Prices for OTA channels and your own booking page==Prices are used for the channels and/or the Beds24 booking page according to what is ticked under "Enable" in the Daily Price settings. See [[Setting_Prices_for_Booking_Channels|this help page]] for specific information on how to set prices for OTA channels. ==Check Prices==The 'Price Check Tool' shows you which pricesand rules apply for specific dates/selections and why a certain price or rule was applied or not applied. ==Voucher Codes and Upsell Items==Voucher codes and upsell items can be enabled or disabled from applying when this price is booked.


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