'''<span style="color: #7aab0a;" >{{#fas:chalkboard-teacher}} </span>Live webinar: What's new and what's cooking'''
Date & Time: May 30th 11:00 a.m. (Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna)
In this webinar we will show you the latest feature releases plus new features in development and you will also have the option to ask questions.
[https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrdemuqzIqE9WD8lOpI8t6e7N0IvwjIarA#/registration View previous webinars].
29th May 2022
'''<span style="color:#7bcbed;" >{{#fas:plus-square}} </span> Neue Funktion: Bewertungen von Airbnb, Expdia and VRBO