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[[Category:How to]]
[[Category:How to]]
<div class="heading">Set Up Guide</div>
You are only a few steps away from accepting online bookings:
This page explains how to set up your account
=What you should know  and do before getting started=
<div class="bluebox">
This self-setup guide assists you through your initial setup. Beds24 is designed as a self-service system so you can set up and change all functions yourself at any time.
There is context sensitive help throughout our system. If you are stuck, click on the <span style="color:#019cde;“ >{{#far:question-circle}}  </span>  icons. You can also use this [[Main Page|Wiki]] for help.
'''Step 1 - your Settings'''
*We provide a range of [[videos|video tutorials]]. There is also a [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxiq-bz-RFGEbM44Yk4SYmGt09UISNzEw&si=kgIZPd_ekiExQGk0 Youtube playlist].
*There are recordings of previous [https://wiki.beds24.com/index.php/Webinars webinars] and webinar announcements.
*You can let our [http://beds24.com/wizard/index.php Setup Wizards]  guide you through the set up process.
*We also offer online training sessions for a fee in which we help you set your account up. Send us a support ticket from the SUPPORT button at the top if you want to book a session.
*The number format in the Control Panel is the English number format, i.e. decimal places are separated by a full stop (not a comma).
Click on SETTINGS in the top menu bar.  
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span>  <span style="font-weight: bold;" >Tip</span>  Where you see this <span class="" style=color:#008ACC;“>{{#fas:copy}}</span> icon you can click and then copy the value of this setting to other rooms or properties.
== Properties and Rooms ==
'''Properties''' can be Hotels, Hostels, B&B´s, holiday houses, vacation rentals, apartment houses, camp sites. You can have one properties or multiple properties of different types.  
*Go to ACCOUNT -> BUSINESS INFO and fill in your information
'''Rooms''' are a way of splitting your property into separately bookable units.  Rooms can, but do not need to, represent ''physical'' rooms. They are a way of splitting up a property into separately bookable sections i.e. bedrooms in a hotel or B&B, vacation rentals, holiday homes, beds in hostel dormitories,  camp sites, houseboats,  cabins, tours, classes or cars etc.
*If you want to use another language than English on your booking page click on LANGUAGES and tick the ones you want to use
*Go to PROPERTIES -> DESCRIPTION and enter the name and the currency symbol you want to use
If you rent your property as a whole because it is a vacation rental you will still need one room which is what the guest books.
*Go to PROPTERIES -> INFORMATION and enter the information you want to display on your booking page. Fields yu leave empty will not be displayed.
A property can have only one room (a vacation rental) or a number of different '''room types''' or '''categories''' (a hotel, B&B, hostel, aparthotel).
*Go to PROPTERIES -> BOOKING QUESTIONS and determine what information you want to collect from your guest
Each room or room type/category can have ''multiple inventories'''.
*Go to COMMUNICATION -> GUEST NOTIFICATIONS and define the texts for your booking confirmation to your guests. [[Template Variables]], which include information from the booking may be included.
<embedvideo service="youtube">https://youtu.be/Jd6mFFWhpRE</embedvideo>
=== Multiple Properties or Rooms ===
If you are using the channel manager we advise to set the booking system up as similar as your booking channels. If your lodgings have different hotel/property codes for Booking.com etc. then they must be setup as different properties in Beds24 so you can connect them.
*Go to ROOMS. A click on EDIT will open a field where you can set the name and set the quantity of rooms of that type available.  
Making different properties means each can have it's own property booking page (if required with individual design). You can also use a multiple property booking page with advanced search functions (e.g. facilities, location) showing all properties.
'''Room Allocation:''' "One Room Per Booking" will allocate one room for each booking. This is the normal setting for a hotel room etc. "One Room Per Guest" will allocate one room for each person in the booking. This is typical for a hostel selling beds or for activity or event tickets which are allocated per person.
'''Vacation rentals'''
If you're renting your property as a whole, you still need to define one "Room" which in your case represents your complete property.
'''Collect Number of Guests:'''
If your rentals have different hotel/property codes for Booking.com etc. then they must be setup as individual properties.
Maximum People: This is the total number of people this room can accommodate. A booking cannot be made for this room for more than this number of people. If Maximum Adults and Maximum Children are non zero the lowest of Maximum People or Maximum Adults plus Maximum Children will apply as the maximum room occupancy.
For further information see [[Agency_%26_Multiple_Property_Setup|here]].
Maximum Adults: This is the maximum number of adults this room can accommodate. A booking cannot be made for this room including more than this number of adults. This can be used with the Maximum Children setting to specify the maximum number of adults and children that can be occupied. If both Maximum Adults and Max Children are zero then maximum People is used and the booking form will only ask for the number of guests.
'''Hotels, B&B´s. hostels'''
Maximum Children: This is the maximum number of children this room can accommodate. A booking cannot be made for this room including more than this number of children. If you set this to zero the booking page will simply ask for the number of guests. There will be no field for the number of children. If required you can specify any age restrictions in your description and policy fields.  
Hotels, B&B´s and inns are usually set up as one property with a number of rooms. or room types. If you have several independent lodgings e.g. apartments or villas you can still set them up as rooms if it suits your marketing strategy. Each room (which can also be an apartment, house etc) can have its own pricing and booking rules.
Maximum Nights: This sets the maximum number of nights a booking will be accepted for. If Max. Nights is set to 1 only the arrival date will be collected, the departure date will be automatically set to the next day.
=  Step by Step Setup =
== '''Step 1''' - General Account Settings ==
Click on  {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT and complete your details
Dont forget to SAVE.
=== Views and Settings ===
To setup the look of your Control Panel go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES and check the settings for your account Control Panel.  
*Room type means rooms are interchangable and have the same price. Your guest will only book a room of this type and you can allocate any of the availble rooms of that type. If you have more than one room type add another room for each room type and set up
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}}</span>  Most of the settings can be left with the default value, for more information on each setting, use (?) for the context help.
*If you want to display descriptions and/ or pictures on your booking page go to  BOOKING PAGE -> DESCRIPTION and select  for which property/room you want to enter the description and add it in each language you have enabled. The Booking instruction is valid for a property can be used to give important information e.g. a minimum booking period.
=== Outgoing Email ===
If you want to send Emails from Beds24, then you need to setup your outgoing email.  
In BOOKING PAGE -> PICTURES you select for which property/room you want to upload a picture.  
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > OUTGOING EMAIL and for instructions please use the context help (? icons) and click on HELP (? icon right) of this page.
You are done with a basic setup of your booking page. If you want to customise the design of your booking page you can optionally do so under BOOKING PAGE -> DESIGN
=== Host Notifications ===
*Now set your prices. The easiest way to do a basic pricing is: Go to DASHBOARD -> GRID. This is a table giving you a complete overview on your bookings, rates and inventory. By ticking the boxes you can select what you want to display.
By default Email notifications about new bookings and system notifications are sent to the Administrator Email address from {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT ACCESS.
Click in the  DAILY PRICE row and set price and date range and click SAVE. You may modify individual dates as required. If you want to make dates unavailable you can click in OVERRIDE DATES. Each date can be set to BLACKOUT in which case it is not available. Set the rates for each roomtype.
If you have multiple properties you can set {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > HOST NOTIFICATIONS > Booking notification emails sent to"=Administrator and Cc: Property' to send a copy of the confirmation to the property. The Email address used is the one entered in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION
*To avoid double bookings it is advisable to enter the bookings you already have. In DASHBOARD -> GRID you will find a row INVENTORY.  The number shows  rooms remaining to sell. They can be edited to quickly change your availability. Doubleclick to open a popup and save the changes.
System notifications are error messages, answers to support tickets and other messages which are not directly related to a booking.
'To ''Add Bookings'''  click on the person+ icon, fill in the information and SAVE. Your booking has now been entered into the system.
We recommend you use different Email addresses to send and receive because some Email programs (i.E. gmail) hide incoming Email if they are from the same Email address.
=== Account access and Security ===
'''Step 2'''
Access including API and security settings can be managed from this menu.  
Check your booking page. Go to PROPERTIES and click on SHOW.  
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > ACCOUNT ACCESS >
*Change Password
*Administrator Email
*Additional Login
*2Factor Authentication
*API Keys
'''Step 3'''
=== Privacy ===
Booking widgets connect your website to your booking page. Click on BOOKING WIDGETS in the left menu. Choose the widget you want to use. If required you can customise the appearance. If you need help please click on the HELP button on the top rights of the widgets page.  
Privacy rules for data management should be managed from this menu. We provide settings that allow you to control how your guest's data is stored in Beds24.
Copy your widget to your website. To install the booking widgets on your web site you will need the ability to edit the HTML of your page. This may involve knowing the passwords for your web server and the ability to transfer your files. Your web hosting service should be able to provide information and assist you with this.  
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) >ACCOUNT > PRIVACY click (?) for more information.
=== Billing ===
You can see the monthly service fees and usage charges, setup payment details for your account, and generate and download your invoice after you have made a payment.
=== Booking Page Languages ===
If you want to use a language other than English on your booking page, go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > INTERNATIONALIZATION and tick the ones you want to use. If you enable more than one language you will see tabs for each language in your descriptions, information on your booking page and notifications. Descriptions have to be entered in each language tab.
== '''Step 2''' - Create properties and rooms==
You can import properties and rooms or create them manually.
<embedvideo service="youtube">https://youtu.be/CsjMXF2vzEs</embedvideo>
===Import from Airbnb===
If you have a listing on Airbnb you can import it and create a new property with a new room or add a room in a property you already have in Beds24. Click [[Connect_Airbnb_Account|here]] for instructions.
===Import from Booking.com===
You can  [[Booking.com:_Import_Properties_from_Booking.com_to_Beds24|import your property from Booking.com to Beds24]].
===Manual creation ===
==== '''Step 1''' - Create properties====
*Properties and be added in  '{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES
*After you have added a property go to '{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION and complete your property information
==== '''Step 2''' - Create rooms====
*To set rooms up go to  '{{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS  . A click on '''EDIT''' will open a field where you can set the name and quantity of "Rooms" of that type available.
If you sell dorms for which you sell individual beds and not private rooms please also see how to [[Hostel_and_Retreat_Setup|setup dorms]].
*Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS  > OFFERS and define your offer(s).
An offer is the price combined with certain conditions. Each room/unit has one or more offers.  "Offer 1" is your standard offer to the guest which is always displayed.
You have the option to sell a room with different prices eg. packages, promotions or discounted conditional prices. Each offer can have its own "Booking Type".
<span style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}}</span>  If you copy a room all settings will be automatically applied to the copy. If you want to link prices between different rooms remove the prices before you copy the rooms.
==== '''Step 3''' - Customize and add offers (optional)====
An '''Offer''' is the price combined with certain conditions. Each room/unit has one or more offers.  "Offer 1" is your standard offer to the guest which is always displayed.
== '''Step 3''' -  Create prices  ==
Without prices the system can not show availability.
If you have several rooms with a similar pricing structure you can "link" prices with or without offsets to multiple rooms.
Beds24 has two types of prices:
*Daily Prices (recommended)
*Fixed Prices
This [https://beds24.com/wizard/wizard3.php setup wizard] guides you though the setup.
<span class="" style="color: #f3e504; font-size: 150%;" >{{#fas:lightbulb}} </span>  Click on the "Price Check" button on the CALENDAR or SUPPORT page then on "Calculate" to find our why you have not price or how a price is calculated.
'''Daily Prices (recommended)'''
Daily Prices are prices for one date. Daily prices are easy to manage and are the best choice for most customers.  Multiple prices per date can be defined for example for different minimum stays or different offers. Please find more information on the help page for [https://wiki.beds24.com/index.php/Category:Daily_Prices daily prices].
<embedvideo service="youtube">https://youtu.be/E4TYnrHwnDA</embedvideo>
'''Fixed Prices'''
Fixed Prices have a start and end date so they apply to a range of dates. Fixed Prices contain many rules about the conditions that must apply to make them available.
Use Fixed Prices instead of Daily prices only:
*If your prices are fixed ahead and you do not want to adjust them and you have none or few seasons
*If you want to allow guest to enquire when no price can be found but the room is not fully booked
*If you want to grant referrer discounts
Please find more information on the help page for [https://wiki.beds24.com/index.php/Category:Fixed_Prices Fixed Prices].
'''Combination of Daily Prices and Fixed Prices'''
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}}  </span> If you use Fixed Prices you do not need to set up Daily Prices for every day. If required you can use a Daily Price to adjust the prices for an individual date or date range.
*You can use Daily Prices to override the Fixed Price for a few individual dates. If you often adjust prices use Daily Prices only.
*You can add a Gap Filler to  fill gaps when using daily prices with minimum stays required
<span style="color:#fe746c;“ >{{#fas:exclamation-triangle}}  </span> Rules in Fixed Prices have no effect on daily prices.
==  '''Step 4''' -  Set up payment collection (optional)==
You need to  connect a payment processor to automatically [[:Category:Payments|collect payments]] in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PAYMENTS > PAYMENT COLLECTION. [[Stripe|Stripe]] is our preferred partner which offers the best functionality.
==  '''Step 5''' -  Set up the Channel Manager (optional)==
Set up the [[:Category:Channel_Manager| channel manager]]  to synchronise your sales channels.  
Here some short example videos. For detailed instructions see:
*[[Airbnb_Mapping| How to connect Airbnb]]
*[[Booking.com:_Synchronise_bookings_prices_availability | How to connect Booking.com to sync prices and availability]]
*[[Expedia_Mapping | How to connect Expedia to sync prices and availability]]
*[[VRBO_Setup | How to connect to Vrbo]]
*[[:Category:Channel_Manager| List of all channels with link to detailed setup instructions]]
<embedvideo service="youtube">https://youtu.be/_KORtELJyNk</embedvideo>
<embedvideo service="youtube">https://youtu.be/rsqRWgawcWU</embedvideo>
==  '''Step 6''' -  Enter existing bookings==
To avoid double bookings it is advisable to enter the bookings you already have.
*For Booking.com, Airbnb and Expedia we have the option to automatically import all upcoming bookings. We recommend to use this method because for bookings imported directly from Booking.com we will then be able to automatically import changes.  You can use this function when the channel manager is set up but not activated. The button is available in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB/BOOKING.COM/EXPEDIA.
*Other bookings can be uploaded as a .csv file from  in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES.
*To manually add or blocked dates click on the suitcase icon in the CALENDAR or on "Add Booking" at the top.
*If you do not need the actual booking you can adjust the availability in the CALENDAR in the row "Inventory".  The number shows  rooms remaining to sell. They can be edited to quickly change your availability. Double-click to open a pop-up and save the changes. (it is only possible to lower the number  based on the value in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP "Quantity of this type" and any existing bookings).
==  '''Step 7''' -  Automate messaging and processes==
*set up messaging templates for automatic and manual sending
*automatically perform modifications on bookings based on predefined criteria
Setting up your Beds24.com account is free if you do it yourself. We can do the setup for you for a small one off fee starting from €19. Technical support for you or your webdesigner to integrate the availability calendars and booking widgets into your website is free. Upon request we can do this for you as well. Please contact clicking on  SUPPORT in the top menu.
==  '''Step 8''' -  Customize and connect the booking engine for commission free direct bookings (optional)==
Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE.
'''Step 4'''
You have the option to  fully customise the look and the content of your booking page. For an overview of your options please go to [[Customise Booking Page]].
Do some test bookings to check everything is working.
Booking widgets connect your website to your booking page. There is a choice  including booking buttons, booking boxes, booking strips, calendars. Go to {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS)  > BOOKING ENGINE > BOOKING WIDGETS. Choose the widget you want to use. If required you can customise the appearance. If you need help please click on the HELP button on the top rights of the widgets page.  
'''Congratulations! You are now receiving online bookings.'''
Copy your widget to your website. To install the booking widgets on your web site you will need the ability to edit the HTML of your page. This may involve knowing the passwords for your web server and the ability to transfer your files. Your web hosting service should be able to provide information and assist you with this.  
New online bookings will be added automatically. You can also enter new bookings manually.  
Guests who book directly will automatically receive a [:category:Confirmation_Messages|confirmation message]]  which you can customise the [ in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS)  > GUEST MANAGEMENT > CONFIRMATION MESSAGES.
'''Refined Settings'''
=='''Step 9''' - Download the free Beds24 app(optional)==
Our free App for IOS and Android is there to help you with daily tasks which might need to be done while away from the desk. [[Mobile_App_Android_and_IOS|More information about the app]].
If you want to set refined [[Properties/Booking Rules|Booking Rules]], [[Properties/Discount Codes|Discount Codes]], [[Properties/Upsell Items|Upsell Items]], use deposit collection through [[Properties/Paypal|Paypal]] collect [[Properties/Credit Card|Credit Card ]], [[Rooms/Dependencies|Room Dependencies]] choose from the menu on the left.
=  More functions and options=
*Customise the display of the  [[:category:Calendar| control panel CALENDAR]] page in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS)  > ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES.
*Customise the display of the  [[Preferences|control panel]] in {{#fas:cog}} (SETTINGS)  > ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES.
*When you click on FUNCTIONS in SUPPORT you will see links to the menu pages of key features and functions or check the start page of this support wiki.

Latest revision as of 16:02, 13 May 2024

Set Up Guide
This page explains how to set up your account

1 What you should know and do before getting started

This self-setup guide assists you through your initial setup. Beds24 is designed as a self-service system so you can set up and change all functions yourself at any time.

There is context sensitive help throughout our system. If you are stuck, click on the icons. You can also use this Wiki for help.

  • We provide a range of video tutorials. There is also a Youtube playlist.
  • There are recordings of previous webinars and webinar announcements.
  • You can let our Setup Wizards guide you through the set up process.
  • We also offer online training sessions for a fee in which we help you set your account up. Send us a support ticket from the SUPPORT button at the top if you want to book a session.
  • The number format in the Control Panel is the English number format, i.e. decimal places are separated by a full stop (not a comma).

Tip Where you see this icon you can click and then copy the value of this setting to other rooms or properties.

1.1 Properties and Rooms

Properties can be Hotels, Hostels, B&B´s, holiday houses, vacation rentals, apartment houses, camp sites. You can have one properties or multiple properties of different types.

Rooms are a way of splitting your property into separately bookable units. Rooms can, but do not need to, represent physical rooms. They are a way of splitting up a property into separately bookable sections i.e. bedrooms in a hotel or B&B, vacation rentals, holiday homes, beds in hostel dormitories, camp sites, houseboats, cabins, tours, classes or cars etc.

If you rent your property as a whole because it is a vacation rental you will still need one room which is what the guest books.

A property can have only one room (a vacation rental) or a number of different room types or categories (a hotel, B&B, hostel, aparthotel).

Each room or room type/category can have multiple inventories'.

1.1.1 Multiple Properties or Rooms

If you are using the channel manager we advise to set the booking system up as similar as your booking channels. If your lodgings have different hotel/property codes for Booking.com etc. then they must be setup as different properties in Beds24 so you can connect them.

Making different properties means each can have it's own property booking page (if required with individual design). You can also use a multiple property booking page with advanced search functions (e.g. facilities, location) showing all properties.

Vacation rentals If you're renting your property as a whole, you still need to define one "Room" which in your case represents your complete property.

If your rentals have different hotel/property codes for Booking.com etc. then they must be setup as individual properties.

For further information see here.

Hotels, B&B´s. hostels

Hotels, B&B´s and inns are usually set up as one property with a number of rooms. or room types. If you have several independent lodgings e.g. apartments or villas you can still set them up as rooms if it suits your marketing strategy. Each room (which can also be an apartment, house etc) can have its own pricing and booking rules.

2 Step by Step Setup

2.1 Step 1 - General Account Settings

Click on (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT and complete your details

2.1.1 Views and Settings

To setup the look of your Control Panel go to (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES and check the settings for your account Control Panel.

Most of the settings can be left with the default value, for more information on each setting, use (?) for the context help.

2.1.2 Outgoing Email

If you want to send Emails from Beds24, then you need to setup your outgoing email.

Go to (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > OUTGOING EMAIL and for instructions please use the context help (? icons) and click on HELP (? icon right) of this page.

2.1.3 Host Notifications

By default Email notifications about new bookings and system notifications are sent to the Administrator Email address from (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT ACCESS.

If you have multiple properties you can set (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > HOST NOTIFICATIONS > Booking notification emails sent to"=Administrator and Cc: Property' to send a copy of the confirmation to the property. The Email address used is the one entered in (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION

System notifications are error messages, answers to support tickets and other messages which are not directly related to a booking.

We recommend you use different Email addresses to send and receive because some Email programs (i.E. gmail) hide incoming Email if they are from the same Email address.

2.1.4 Account access and Security

Access including API and security settings can be managed from this menu.


  • Change Password
  • Administrator Email
  • Additional Login
  • 2Factor Authentication
  • API Keys

2.1.5 Privacy

Privacy rules for data management should be managed from this menu. We provide settings that allow you to control how your guest's data is stored in Beds24.

Go to (SETTINGS) >ACCOUNT > PRIVACY click (?) for more information.

2.1.6 Billing

You can see the monthly service fees and usage charges, setup payment details for your account, and generate and download your invoice after you have made a payment.

2.1.7 Booking Page Languages

If you want to use a language other than English on your booking page, go to (SETTINGS) BOOKING ENGINE > INTERNATIONALIZATION and tick the ones you want to use. If you enable more than one language you will see tabs for each language in your descriptions, information on your booking page and notifications. Descriptions have to be entered in each language tab.

2.2 Step 2 - Create properties and rooms

You can import properties and rooms or create them manually.

2.2.1 Import from Airbnb

If you have a listing on Airbnb you can import it and create a new property with a new room or add a room in a property you already have in Beds24. Click here for instructions.

2.2.2 Import from Booking.com

You can import your property from Booking.com to Beds24.

2.2.3 Manual creation Step 1 - Create properties

  • Properties and be added in ' (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES
  • After you have added a property go to ' (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > DESCRIPTION and complete your property information Step 2 - Create rooms

  • To set rooms up go to ' (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS . A click on EDIT will open a field where you can set the name and quantity of "Rooms" of that type available.

If you sell dorms for which you sell individual beds and not private rooms please also see how to setup dorms.

  • Go to (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > OFFERS and define your offer(s).

An offer is the price combined with certain conditions. Each room/unit has one or more offers. "Offer 1" is your standard offer to the guest which is always displayed.

You have the option to sell a room with different prices eg. packages, promotions or discounted conditional prices. Each offer can have its own "Booking Type".

If you copy a room all settings will be automatically applied to the copy. If you want to link prices between different rooms remove the prices before you copy the rooms. Step 3 - Customize and add offers (optional)

An Offer is the price combined with certain conditions. Each room/unit has one or more offers. "Offer 1" is your standard offer to the guest which is always displayed.

2.3 Step 3 - Create prices

Without prices the system can not show availability.

If you have several rooms with a similar pricing structure you can "link" prices with or without offsets to multiple rooms.

Beds24 has two types of prices:

  • Daily Prices (recommended)
  • Fixed Prices

This setup wizard guides you though the setup.

Click on the "Price Check" button on the CALENDAR or SUPPORT page then on "Calculate" to find our why you have not price or how a price is calculated.

Daily Prices (recommended)

Daily Prices are prices for one date. Daily prices are easy to manage and are the best choice for most customers. Multiple prices per date can be defined for example for different minimum stays or different offers. Please find more information on the help page for daily prices.

Fixed Prices

Fixed Prices have a start and end date so they apply to a range of dates. Fixed Prices contain many rules about the conditions that must apply to make them available.

Use Fixed Prices instead of Daily prices only:

  • If your prices are fixed ahead and you do not want to adjust them and you have none or few seasons
  • If you want to allow guest to enquire when no price can be found but the room is not fully booked
  • If you want to grant referrer discounts

Please find more information on the help page for Fixed Prices.

Combination of Daily Prices and Fixed Prices

If you use Fixed Prices you do not need to set up Daily Prices for every day. If required you can use a Daily Price to adjust the prices for an individual date or date range.

  • You can use Daily Prices to override the Fixed Price for a few individual dates. If you often adjust prices use Daily Prices only.
  • You can add a Gap Filler to fill gaps when using daily prices with minimum stays required

Rules in Fixed Prices have no effect on daily prices.

2.4 Step 4 - Set up payment collection (optional)

You need to connect a payment processor to automatically collect payments in (SETTINGS) > PAYMENTS > PAYMENT COLLECTION. Stripe is our preferred partner which offers the best functionality.

2.5 Step 5 - Set up the Channel Manager (optional)

Set up the channel manager to synchronise your sales channels.

Here some short example videos. For detailed instructions see:

2.6 Step 6 - Enter existing bookings

To avoid double bookings it is advisable to enter the bookings you already have.

  • For Booking.com, Airbnb and Expedia we have the option to automatically import all upcoming bookings. We recommend to use this method because for bookings imported directly from Booking.com we will then be able to automatically import changes. You can use this function when the channel manager is set up but not activated. The button is available in (SETTINGS) > CHANNEL MANAGER > AIRBNB/BOOKING.COM/EXPEDIA.
  • Other bookings can be uploaded as a .csv file from in (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES.
  • To manually add or blocked dates click on the suitcase icon in the CALENDAR or on "Add Booking" at the top.
  • If you do not need the actual booking you can adjust the availability in the CALENDAR in the row "Inventory". The number shows rooms remaining to sell. They can be edited to quickly change your availability. Double-click to open a pop-up and save the changes. (it is only possible to lower the number based on the value in (SETTINGS) > PROPERTIES > ROOMS > SETUP "Quantity of this type" and any existing bookings).

2.7 Step 7 - Automate messaging and processes


  • set up messaging templates for automatic and manual sending
  • automatically perform modifications on bookings based on predefined criteria

2.8 Step 8 - Customize and connect the booking engine for commission free direct bookings (optional)


You have the option to fully customise the look and the content of your booking page. For an overview of your options please go to Customise Booking Page.

Booking widgets connect your website to your booking page. There is a choice including booking buttons, booking boxes, booking strips, calendars. Go to (SETTINGS) > BOOKING ENGINE > BOOKING WIDGETS. Choose the widget you want to use. If required you can customise the appearance. If you need help please click on the HELP button on the top rights of the widgets page.

Copy your widget to your website. To install the booking widgets on your web site you will need the ability to edit the HTML of your page. This may involve knowing the passwords for your web server and the ability to transfer your files. Your web hosting service should be able to provide information and assist you with this.

Guests who book directly will automatically receive a [:category:Confirmation_Messages|confirmation message]] which you can customise the [ in (SETTINGS) > GUEST MANAGEMENT > CONFIRMATION MESSAGES.

2.9 Step 9 - Download the free Beds24 app(optional)

Our free App for IOS and Android is there to help you with daily tasks which might need to be done while away from the desk. More information about the app.

3 More functions and options

  • Customise the display of the control panel CALENDAR page in (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES.
  • Customise the display of the control panel in (SETTINGS) > ACCOUNT > PREFERENCES.
  • When you click on FUNCTIONS in SUPPORT you will see links to the menu pages of key features and functions or check the start page of this support wiki.