This page is about the menu BOOKINGS
Choose from three different views:
- Grid with drag-and-drop function to quickly change rooms
- Sortable list
- Calendar view
"New" are bookings which have not been opened to view. Once you open them and save or update them the status will change to "Confirmed". In SETTINGS->ACCOUNT PREFERENCES you can set which status you want to apply to new bookings.
1 Add Bookings
Bookings are entered into the system by the following methods:
- online by your guest using the availability calendars, booking buttons and booking page.
- manually by yourself.
- imported from other channels by the channel manager.
1.1 Manually add a new booking
Click on the ADD BOOKING Button on the top right.
To add a booking for multiple rooms or to check for available rooms click on "Price Check"
Add bookings in CALENDAR directly into the room or even the room and the date.
If you want to manually add a booking for a guest who previously stayed use the "Search" field in the booking.
1.2 Upload existing bookings
Bookings can be uploaded as a .csv file through our API
1. Export your bookings into a .csv file
2. Go to ETTINGS -> ACCOUNT -> ACCOUNT ACCESS and allow API access
3. Go to
4. Click on
5. Download a sample file so you have the correct format
6. Open the file in a Excel or similar and dd your existing bookings in exactly the same format into the file
7. Upload the modified .csv file via
The instructions in explain the procedure in detail.
2 Manage bookings
After clicking on BOOKINGS in the top menu you will see your bookings in a a CALENDAR view or LIST view. By default you will see all bookings from today. You can use the selector to view only certain bookings.
You can edit a booking by clicking on it to open the booking in a popup. When you open the booking you see several tabs:
2.1 Info
The Info tab consists of a customizable summary of the booking information and a set of info items which can be attached to a booking.
The customizable summary can be created in SETTINGS->ACCOUNT -> PREFERENCES "Booking Info Template" using template variables
Preset info codes can be defined in SETTINGS->ACCOUNT -> PREFERENCES "Booking Info Code Presets "
Info codes can be added from the preset list. You can add manual notes.
The info code can be used in custom reports to show or hide selected bookings and also in Auto Actions.
For example, if you use the code "CHECKEDIN" when guests check in and "CHECKEDOUT" when guests check out, you could create a custom reports to show custom reports by showing booking which include the info code "CHECKEDIN" and excluding those that have the info code "CHECKEDOUT".
If you want to hide the info tab go to SUB ACCOUNT (top right Menu) then click on "Manage Account" and add the phrase bookedit-info in "Hide menu pages"
2.2 Summary
The "Slice" function allows to divide a booking into individual bookings with different start and end dates. This functions is useful if for example a guest changes rooms during his stay.
When you want to select a different UNIT, if the symbol ® is next to a unit/room, this indicates there is already a booking in this unit, so you should choose another unit.
Which information you see on this tab is defined by the settings activated in SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->BOOKING QUESTIONS.
2.3 Detail
Split can be used to split a booking for multiple rooms into separate bookings so each can be assigned to an individual room. All split bookings will be linked so they can be easily managed.
FLAG can be used to flag bookings that require special attention. The flag text is displayed with the other booking fields within the control panel and the [FLAG] template variable can be used to display this text as "hovertext" when the mouse cursor is positioned over the flagged booking in the Calendar view.
Which information you see on this tab is defined by the settings activated in SETTINGS->PROPERTIES->BOOKING QUESTIONS.
2.4 Charges and Payments
In the tab Charges and Payments you may enter more charges and payments manually.
- Enter chargeable items or and payments. Click Recalculate to update the balance and enter a blank new row.
- To remove an item check the remove box and click Recalculate.
- The balance will be calculated and displayed for this booking in the booking summary.
2.5 Invoice
In the tab INVOICE you print an Invoice
- The invoice can also be printed with a message you can specify under SETTINGS -> GUEST MANAGEMENT -> INVOICE
You can also manage and create group bookings.
- Changes have to be made in each individual booking
2.6 Mail
In the tab "Mail" you can send out the standard e-mails you have defined under GUEST MANAGEMENT
2.7 Guests
In the tab "Guests" tab you can see information from the guest database (GUEST in top menu)
2.8 Logs
The logs shows all changes which have been made.
2.9 Delete Bookings
Deleted bookings are permanently removed from the system and can not be restored.
2.10 Cancel Bookings
Direct booking can be cancelled by changing the status to "Cancelled". For bookings from channels the cancellation has to be made on the channel either by the guest or by the channel. If this is not possible you can change the status in Beds24 and set "Allow Channel Modifications" = No in the "Details" tab of the booking. This will stop the channel to override the status change but not actually candel the booking in the channel.
2.11 Bulk Changes
To bulk change bookings go to SUB ACCOUNT (top right menu) then click on "Manage Account" then "Manage Property" then "Manage Room". There you can:
- Change the status of bookings.
- Move bookings to another room.
- To bulk delete bookings the status has to be changed to "Cancelled" first.
3 Template Variables
Template variable can be used to display information from the booking in confirmation messages to guests, auto action Emails, host notifications or invoices.
This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.
Pages in category "Bookings"
The following 36 pages are in this category, out of 36 total. download this selection of articles as a PDF book
- Sell a room only if another room is unavailable
- Sell one room as more than one type
- Sell room as dorm and private room
- Sell Rooms with Priority
- Sending data to SEF
- Set Currency
- Stripe Channel Virtual Cards
- Stripe Credit Card
- Stripe deposit and balance
- Stripe full amount
- Stripe Payment Request
- Stripe Payment Schedule
- Stripe Security Deposit capture